Phoenix is an open hardware (circuit layout freely available) started by Inter University Accelerator Centre, with the objective of improving the laboratory facilities at Indian Universities, and growing with the support of the user community. Basically it is an electronic kit interfaced with a computer which has the following features:
Hardware Features
- 4 Analog Inputs (10 bit resolution)
- 1 Analog Output ( 8 bit)
- 4 Digital Inputs
- 4 Digital Outputs
- Frequency Counter
- Square wave generator
- Constant Current Source (1 mA)
- 2 Inverting Amplifiers (gain set plugin resistors)
- 1 Non-inverting Amplifier
- 2 Level Shifting Amplifiers
- RS232 / USB interface
- ATmega16 micro-controller
The figure below shows an actual phoenix kit. Also there is a plot of diode (red LED) characteristics as obtained by connecting to the kit. Also it shows the nice monochrome lcd display which can be used to display small texts. Also visible is a snippet of the code for the same. Notice how easy it is to use, because it was mainly targetted for science students and not hor expert hackers.